Credential Preparation

NOCTI provides resources to assist in preparing to earn a credential. Our goal is to provide resources to help ensure the credentialing journey is successful. Resources are available to order by the school’s coordinator in our Client Services Center.

Study Guides

Study Guides are an invaluable tool when preparing for a credentialing assessment. The digital format makes them accessible from anywhere and with any device. Students are provided access to an overview of the credential content, a breakdown of the skills-based component, study checklists, sample questions, and additional resources to help in preparation. Teachers have access to a Teacher Companion Guide to assist students as they prepare for administration.


A pre-test is administered to determine a student’s baseline technical knowledge at the start of a program or course. Using a pre/post test combination will result in a comparison report after the post-test is completed. This powerful tool can be used to show individual student improvement and overall program effectiveness.