Indian Economy MCQ Questions book PDF (English) for UPSC and other Competitive Exams for free download. 1500 + Objective Questions and answers from the previous year UPSC Exam Question paper.
Q.: The principal reason why national economic planning is still being pursued inspite of embracing a market economy since 1991 is that: [IAS 1994]
(a) the vast quantity of capital already deployed in the public sector needs to be nurtured
(b) the market economy is mainly confined to industry and commerce and central planning in agriculture is necessary
(c) it is a constitutional requirement
(d) Five Year Plants can continue to provide a long-term perspective to the economy in market friendly fashions
Q.: Which of the following could be said to have prevented the ‘trickle down’ effects in Indian economy ?
1. Increased dependence of agriculture on purchased inputs and privately managed irrigation
2. More employment of labour by larger landholding farmers
3. Lowered participation of women in agricultural workforce due to new technology
4. The failure of the Green Revolution
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 3
(d) 2 and 4
Q.: Indicative Planning being pursued in India since the 8th plan aims at ensuring that:
1. Planning mechanism plays a faciliatory role
2. Planning mechanism brings about a balance between need and supply
3. Planning mechanism concerns itself with optima! utilisation of resources
4. Planning concerns itself with laying down broad directions in which the economy should move
Choose the correct answer from:
(a) 1, 2 and 4
(b) 1 and 2
(c) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(d) 2, 3 and 4
Q.: Which one of the following is the task of the Niti Ayog ? [NDA 1991]
(a) Preparation of the Plan
(b) Implementation of the plan
(c) Financing of the plan
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Q.: The basic difference between imperative and indicative planning is that:
(a) it is easier to achieve targets in imperative type of planning
(b) in the case of imperative planning all economic activities belong to public sector, while in the other type they belong to the private sector
(c) in the case of the imperative planning, the market mechanism is entirely replaced by a command hierarchy, while in the case of indicative planning, it is looked upon as a way to improve the functioning of the market system
(d) in the case of indicative planning there is no need to nationalize any industry
Q.: Which of the following statements about the Indian Economy is correct ?
(a) Indian economy is as developed as that of China.
(b) About 70% Indians are involved in some type of self-employment and are the owners of some or the other micro or small enterprise.
(c) In India, single biggest employment and allied activities.
(d) About 48% Indian workface is employed in foreign countries or in organizations assisted by foreign capital.
Q.: In the context of India’ s Five Year Plans, a shift in the pattern of industrialization, with lower emphasis on heavy industries and more on infrastructure begins in
(a) fourth Plan
(b) sixth Plan
(c) eighth Plan
(d) tenth Plan
Q.: One of the reasons for India’s occupational structure remaining more or less the same over the years has been that
(a) productivity in agriculture has been high enough to induce people to stay with agriculture
(b) people are largely unaware of the significance of transition from agriculture to industry for economic development
(c) investment pattern has been directed towards capital intensive industries
(d) ceilings on land holdings have enabled more people to- own land and hence their preference to stay with agriculture
Q.: Persons below the poverty line in India are classified as such based on whether:
(a) they are entitled to a minimum prescribed food basket
(b) they get work for a prescribed minimum number of days in a year
(c) they belong to agricultural labourer household and the scheduled caste/tribe social group
(d) their daily wages fall below the prescribed minimum wages
Contents :
Fundamentals of Indian Economy and Planning
Poverty, Unemployment and Alleviation Programmes
Currency and Inflation
Indian Banking System and Capital Market
Fiscal System of India
Industries, Infrastructure and Foreign Trade
International Organisations and Human Development
Natural Resources and Other Facts of Indian Economy
Name : Indian Economy Objective Pattern
Medium : English
Number of pages : 146
Contents of this PDF
Micro-Macro Economics
Demand & Supply/Price/Revenue & Cost
Profit & Loss/Recession & Depression
Market, Factors of Production & Inflation
Public Finance in India
Budget, Deficit Financing & Government Subsidies
Taxes : Types & Methods
Banking & Insurance
Stock Exchange & SEBI
Indian Economy
National Income & Human Development Index
Five year Plans
Poverty & Unemployment
Agriculture Sector
Industries : Manufacturing & Service Sectors
Business & Foreign Trade of India
Business/ Entities Types of Companies
Business/Corporate Governance/Terms
Foreign Trade Policies
Foreign Exchange Services
Special Economic Zones & FDI
World Economy/Miscellaneous
Name : Economy 700 MCQs with Explanatory Note
Medium : English
Number of pages : 235
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