Past and present community

Preview of Communities Change Over Time | Past and Present | History Lessons | Then and Now

Communities Change Over Time | Past and Present | History Lessons | Then and Now

Created by Two Sharp Pencils

In this unit students will focus on the changes that communities go through over time by learning about changes in environment, business, education, communication, and transportation. The study of local history comes alive through the use of artifacts and documents. This is the PRINTABLE VERSION, the DIGITAL VERSION is available here. In this unit you will find:• Unit Overview: A unit overview with eight days of lessons, including read-aloud and video suggestions. • Then and Now Inter

2 nd - 4 th Other (Social Studies - History) , Social Studies - History , U.S. History Also included in: Communities Change Over Time | Then and Now | Digital and Printable Bundle Original Price $9.00 Rated 4.88 out of 5, based on 1062 reviews Add to Cart

Preview of COMMUNITIES IN CANADA, PAST & PRESENT - Ontario Social Studies -Grade 6 NEW 2023

COMMUNITIES IN CANADA, PAST & PRESENT - Ontario Social Studies -Grade 6 NEW 2023

Created by Super Simple Sheets

NEWLY UPDATED IN 2023! DIGITAL AND PDF VERSIONS BOTH INCLUDED!UPDATED 2023 Curriculum - Grade 6 – Ontario Social Studies Curriculum – Communities in Canada, Past and Present . This product was created to cover the expectations in the Ontario Social Studies Grade 6 curriculum – Strand A: Heritage and Identity: Communities in Canada, Past and Present . This unit now includes activities covering the experiences and contributions of Jewish communities and the impact of antisemitism on these communiti

Canadian History , Social Studies - History Also included in: NEW 2023 - Ontario Grade 6 Social Studies - FULL YEAR BUNDLE Original Price $8.00 Rated 4.52 out of 5, based on 32 reviews Add to Cart

Preview of Communities in Canada, Past and Present Workbook (Grade 6 Social Studies)

Communities in Canada, Past and Present Workbook (Grade 6 Social Studies)

Created by Teacher Resource Cabin

This workbook covers the Grade 6 Communities in Canada, Past and Present unit in the NEW Ontario Social Studies 2023 curriculum (Heritage and Identity). In this workbook, students will learn about various aspects of Canada's history and its diverse communities . The content starts with an exploration of Indigenous communities and their traditional territories, followed by an in-depth look at the interactions between early European settlers and Indigenous peoples. The workbook delves into the si

Canadian History , Other (Social Studies - History) , Social Studies - History Also included in: Grade 6 Ontario Social Studies Workbook Bundle Original Price $9.75 Rated 4.85 out of 5, based on 53 reviews Add to Cart

Preview of Grade 6 Social Studies Ontario Communities in Canada, Past and Present

Grade 6 Social Studies Ontario Communities in Canada, Past and Present

Created by 2peasandadog

Use this 348-page Grade 6 Social Studies Strand A Unit to help teach the 2023 Ontario Curriculum. Teachers are provided with 18 in-depth, engaging, and cross-curricular lessons to help their students explore and understand Canada’s Heritage and Identity: Communities in Canada, Past and Present . Students will learn about the role Indigenous Peoples have had in helping shape Canada as well as the settler communities that immigrated to Canada. This unit culminates in a Canada-Themed Digital Escape

Canadian History , Social Studies - History Also included in: Grade 6 Ontario Social Studies Bundle Strand A and B Original Price $24.99 Rated 4.8 out of 5, based on 79 reviews Add to Cart

Preview of Communities in Canada Past & Present for Google Slides™ (Grade 6 Social Studies)

Communities in Canada Past & Present for Google Slides™ (Grade 6 Social Studies)

Created by Teacher Resource Cabin

These slides for Google Slides™ cover the Grade 6 Communities in Canada, Past and Present unit in the NEW 2023 Ontario Social Studies curriculum (Heritage and Identity). These slides are perfect for presenting important content to students in a simple and manageable way. In these Slides, students will learn about various aspects of Canada's history and its diverse communities . The content starts with an exploration of Indigenous communities and their traditional territories, followed by an i

Other (Social Studies - History) , Social Studies - History Also included in: Grade 6 Ontario Social Studies Mega Bundle (FULL YEAR) Original Price $9.50 Rated 4.95 out of 5, based on 21 reviews Add to Cart

Preview of Grade 6, Unit 1: Communities in Canada Past and Present (Ontario Social Stu.)

Grade 6, Unit 1: Communities in Canada Past and Present (Ontario Social Stu.)

Created by Teaching in a Wonderland

With the Grade 6 Communities in Canada Past and Present unit, students are asked to explore the communities that make up present -day Canada. Students embark on a journey from past Canada to present Canada and explore the challenges and celebrations experienced by various communities and settlers in Canada. Students also explore how different communities have contributed to the evolution of Canadian identity. This packet is aligned with the Ontario 2013 Social Studies curriculum. The overall e

Canadian History , Social Studies - History Original Price $13.00 Rated 4.72 out of 5, based on 183 reviews Add to Cart

Preview of Grade 6 ONTARIO Social Studies Inquiry Unit Communities in Canada Past & Present

Grade 6 ONTARIO Social Studies Inquiry Unit Communities in Canada Past & Present

Created by Madly Learning

Teach Ontario Social Studies to your Grade 6 students. In this engaging inquiry unit, all about Communities In Canada Past and Present , students will learn about the various communities throughout history that have shaped Canadian society. This inquiry-based unit meets the curriculum standards for Grade 6 Social Studies with for the Ontario Curriculum Strand B. *Updated to Meet Revised 2023 Curriculum Ditch those basic workbooks and finally engage your students in real learning that has them

Earth Sciences , Science Also included in: Grade 6 | Science and Social Studies Full Year Bundle | Ontario Curriculum Original Price $14.95 Rated 4.59 out of 5, based on 17 reviews Add to Cart

Preview of French Grade 6 Social Studies Strand A&B Canada Past Present & Global Community

French Grade 6 Social Studies Strand A & B Canada Past Present & Global Community

Created by MissFrenchImmersion

Introducing the ultimate French Grade 6 Social Studies bundle, featuring two comprehensive units - " Communities in Canada: Past and Present " and " Canada's Interactions with the Global Community ". With these two units, your students will explore the diverse communities that makeup Canada, both past and present , and examine Canada's role in the global community . They will learn about key historical events, significant cultural groups, and the various ways in which Canada interacts with t

Canadian History , en Français , Social Studies - History Show 2 included products $30.00 Original Price $30.00 Price $25.00 Rated 4.67 out of 5, based on 6 reviews Add to Cart

Preview of Grade 6 2023 Ontario Social Studies Communities in Canada Past & Present PDF GS

Grade 6 2023 Ontario Social Studies Communities in Canada Past & Present PDF GS

Created by Loving Learning by Laura B

Revised 2023! Save time with this unit that's ready to go and covers all of the curriculum expectations!This resource is an inquiry-based unit plan for the Heritage and Identity: Communities in Canada, Past and Present , Strand of the S ocial Studies Revised 2018 Ontario Curriculum. Unit plans and lesson suggestions, assessments, inquiry, answer keys and rubric are included. Corresponding Many Gifts student text pages are included in lesson plans but the text is not necessary to use this uni

Canadian History , Social Studies - History Also included in: Grade 6 Ontario Social Studies BUNDLE 2023 PDF & Google Slides Original Price $9.00 Rated 4.43 out of 5, based on 7 reviews Add to Cart

Preview of French Grade 6 Social Studies Strand A: Communities in Canada: Past and Present

French Grade 6 Social Studies Strand A: Communities in Canada: Past and Present

Created by MissFrenchImmersion

This French Grade 6 Social Studies Unit (Strand A): Communities in Canada: Past and Present provides you with hands-on activities, shared readings, individual inquiry, interactive pages, mapping & more! Made with the Ontario Curriculum, watch your students' Social Studies Skills blossom as they engage in the various activities provided. Find everything you need to teach "L'expérience canadienne: Hier et aujourd'hui" (specifically from the Ontario Grade 6 Social Studies Curriculum) with th

Canadian History , en Français , Social Studies - History Also included in: FRENCH FULL YEAR Science and Social Studies Units - Ontario Grade 6 Curriculum Original Price $15.00 Rated 4.8 out of 5, based on 5 reviews Add to Cart

Preview of Canadian Grade 6 Social Studies Strand A - Communities in Canada Past & Present

Canadian Grade 6 Social Studies Strand A - Communities in Canada Past & Present

Created by Mrs S Room

Bogged down by how you are going to present the new Social Studies Curriculum? Canadian Communities ' past and present expectations seem overwhelming? No time to teach Social Studies with all the other expectations? Looking to split your social studies over two terms to get two different marks? No problem! This is a grade 6 unit. It has focused on the perspectives of First Nations peoples, Europeans, Chinese Railway Workers, Japanese Canadians and residential school survivors. Newly added are

6 th - 7 th Canadian History , English Language Arts , Native Americans Also included in: Bundled Entire Year of Grade 6 Science and Social Studies Original Price $15.50 Rated 4.63 out of 5, based on 28 reviews Add to Cart

Preview of Communities in Canada, Past and Present Word Wall (Grade 6 Social Studies)

Communities in Canada, Past and Present Word Wall (Grade 6 Social Studies)

Created by Teacher Resource Cabin

These posters include all key vocabulary for the Communities in Canada, Past and Present unit in the Grade 6 Ontario Social Studies curriculum (2018). Posters are 8.5" x 11" size and are available as colour and black & white copies (perfect for colouring!). A set of Word Wall words is also included. Three Word Wall words fit on an 8.5" x 11" size paper for easy printing and are also available as colour and black & white copies. We recommend printing these posters on cardstock to create a

Geography , Social Studies - History Also included in: Grade 6 Ontario Social Studies Mega Bundle (FULL YEAR) Original Price $4.00 Rated 5 out of 5, based on 2 reviews Add to Cart

Preview of Social Studies - Communities in Canada, Past and Present - Grade 6 Workbook

Social Studies - Communities in Canada, Past and Present - Grade 6 Workbook

Created by Chuck's Cornucopia

This workbook follows/complements the Many Gifts textbook used in most Ontario Catholic schools. It may be closely aligned with the public school version from Nelson - please look at the preview to confirm. You may also email me at to discuss any differences from the public school textbook. Take a look at the preview to see everything you will receive. Your students will be well informed on the material within the textbook and will be experts when finished. It is a fun and inte

Geography , Other (Social Studies - History) , Social Studies - History Also included in: Social Studies - Grade 6 Workbook Bundle Original Price $9.00 Rated 4.66 out of 5, based on 16 reviews Add to Cart

Preview of Full MINI UNIT (French) Études Sociales Communities in Canada Past and Present

Full MINI UNIT (French) Études Sociales Communities in Canada Past and Present

Created by My Classroom Cafe

MINI UNIT FOR Heritage and Citizenship Communities in Canada Past and Present Ontario Curriculum Social Studies (new social studies curriculum) *also fits in with other province's curriculums Social Studies (specifically for GRADE 6 Social Studies). This Product Contains: 23 pages 1-Mindset lesson (lesson 1 & 2) - hook (engaging students, making it relevant to them) 2- Activity for mindset lesson 3- Answer key for activity 4- Homework activity to send home 5- Next set of lessons (3 to 7) w

4 th - 8 th Canadian History , en Français , French Original Price $8.00 Rated 4.69 out of 5, based on 45 reviews Add to Cart

Preview of *Heritage and Identity Unit: Canadian Communities Past and Present

*Heritage and Identity Unit: Canadian Communities Past and Present

Created by KK's petites Rubber Boots

This unit includes a PowerPoint presentation and a PDF package. It's a FUN unit, with NO PREP, 3 CHECKLISTS, 3 RUBRICS and ONE UNIT TEST. Students can apply their knowledge of Canadian communities , past and present , in many ways. They will write a paragraph that focuses on the idea that Canada is a diverse country. They will be taught how to distinguish between a main and secondary idea. They will learn the definition of a community . They will be taught the difference between primary and seconda