Course Completion, Expiration, & Extension

BYU Independent Study suggests completing all coursework and exams three weeks before any personal deadlines. Some examples of these deadlines may include graduation deadlines, employment application deadlines, and graduate school application deadlines.

Course Completion Notices

Contact customer support to request a course completion notice. High school course completion notices are available to your local institution through the BYU Independent Study Educator Portal if you have them listed in your account when the final grade is posted.

University Course Semester Deadlines

All university course grades are posted on an official Brigham Young University transcript. If you need your course grade to appear in a particular semester or term, you must submit all your completed coursework and exams (including available retakes) by the following deadlines:

There are no exceptions to these deadlines. Please be aware that courses completed after the posted deadlines but before the first day of the next semester or term may still be recorded under the previous semester or term on the transcript.

Course Expiration

Course expiration dates are 365 days from the date and time of enrollment, unless specified otherwise in your course. Courses that expire without being completed will not be listed on the transcript. All coursework and exams including any available retakes must be completed before the course expiration to receive credit.

Course Extension

Unless otherwise specified in your course, a 90-day extension may be purchased once for $20. Extensions are 90-days from the original course expiration date regardless of the day the extension was purchased. Students may self-serve an extension before the course expiration date, or they will need to contact Customer Support. For extenuating circumstances, please see the Petitions Process page.

View more BYU Independent Study policies.