Using Veriheal - Patient FAQ

Prices of MMJ Card Appointments vary per state. Please note that some states require a state registration fee which is not included in the price of the consult.

To renew your medical card it is required that you see a medical cannabis doctor to get a new recommendation. Reach out to out Customer Service Department so we can assist you and apply a renewal discount for you.

A refund can only be possible if you are not approved by the doctor or you requested to cancel prior to the time of your appointment. There might be a cancellation fee to be charged once an appointment is requested to be cancelled. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for more information about our Refund Policy.

Qualified medical conditions for the MMJ program may vary depending on your state. Please check your official state website for the list of the qualifying conditions.

A medical cannabis recommendation is a document that states that a specific person has a medical condition in which a doctor recommends that they procure medicine to help treat it. Once written by the doctor, that patient can go directly to the dispensary for their medicine or some states ask the patient to register with the state first, then go to the dispensary for their medicine.

To get your recommendation, you have to sign up and register on our site and complete a brief online profile. Upon registering for our service, clients are required to undergo an examination of pre-existing medical conditions. You will then meet with a physician and have an evaluation. Based on qualifying conditions, the physician(s) will make a recommendation for medical cannabis.

No, insurance does not cover cannabis consultations at this time. Our fingers are crossed that we can someday soon.

Veriheal is not a medical clinic, nor does the company itself write medical cannabis recommendations. Veriheal is a platform that provides resources and tools for patients and doctors in the medical cannabis space. Through the Veriheal EMR tool, doctors are able to access their patient’s medical records, set their schedules, and ultimately see their patients. Many patients come to Veriheal every month seeking more information about medical cannabis as a treatment option as well as streamlining all pertinent processes of obtaining a medical cannabis recommendation from a licensed doctor in their state. Doctors are given complete autonomy over their schedule, how many patients they see, and whether or not they ultimately approve or deny a patient for medical cannabis use.

Please note: Veriheal is a management services organization that supports and serves independent physicians with their medical marijuana practices in a non-professional administrative capacity. Veriheal is not a doctor or a health care provider. If you have a medical question or experience any medical problems you should contact your physician. If you have a medical emergency you should go to the emergency room immediately.

Yes. Telehealth/Telemedicine is a legal medical management tool and not a separate form of medical diagnosis. Telehealth technology is perfectly legal provided that it is used by a licensed physician in the respective state that the patient resides.

Doctors are available around the clock. Given your states’ varying availability and demand, you either able to book an instant consultation or a date in the near future.

To get approved for medical cannabis access, individuals generally must be over the age of 18 and have one of the qualifying conditions dictated by their state’s MMJ program. Please check your official state website for specific qualifications.

A doctor’s recommendation is a document that allows patients to use marijuana legally. A medical marijuana ID/card itself is an ID needed to purchase cannabis IF the state mandates one. Many states only require a recommendation.

Your medical records are maintained in our secure Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliant system. Your information is our top priority at Veriheal, and using industry-leading software to secure our data keeps your information private and protected.

Yes. As a business associate to all of the physicians that use our platform, we adhere to strict HIPAA security requirements.

No. Some people who qualify for medical recommendations sometimes choose not to pursue treatment because they fear there might be repercussions and they might end up on some sort of a “master list” of marijuana users. Please be informed that there is NO SUCH LIST that exists. There is no consolidated database that the DEA uses to conduct raids or employers can access during background checks.

As in any doctor’s practice, the record of your evaluation is protected and private under federal laws through the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Further, by law, doctor-patient confidentiality prohibits the police, DMV, and employers from accessing your medical records without your written permission or consent.

We accept all major credit debit cards. We do not accept cash payments or medical insurance at this time. HSA and FSA can also be used and you will receive an ‘itemized’ receipt from us after booking your appointment.