
The NSW Government Resource Efficiency Policy (GREP) aims to reduce the NSW Government’s operating costs and lead by example in increasing resource efficiency. It applies to all general government sector agencies, on a whole-of-cluster basis. Clusters are required to publish a statement of their performance against this policy on an annual basis (electronically or otherwise). The Office of Environment and Heritage will assess whole-of-government performance and review the policy every two years.


Detailed Outline

The NSW Government Resource Efficiency Policy (GREP) aims to reduce the NSW Government’s operating costs and lead by example in increasing resource efficiency. The GREP aims to drive resource efficiency in NSW Government agencies in energy, water, waste and air emissions.

The GREP will ensure NSW Government agencies:

The GREP covers all general government sector agencies, on a whole-of-cluster basis. Clusters will publish a statement of their performance against this policy on an annual basis (electronically or otherwise). The Office of Environment and Heritage will assess whole-of-government performance and review the GREP every two years.

Local government, state-owned corporations, public trading enterprises and public financial enterprises are encouraged to adopt the GREP measures on a voluntary basis.

The GREP replaces the NSW Government Sustainability Policy (M2008-28) and the Waste Reduction and Purchasing Policy (M2003-05).

The measures, along with comprehensive information for agencies on coverage, implementation and monitoring requirements can be found in the policy document.

The Sustainable Government Team at the Office of Environment and Heritage is able to provide agencies with support in meeting their obligations under the GREP and can be contacted via [email protected].


Who needs to know and/or comply with this?

Departments Executive agencies related to Departments Advisory Entities (including Boards and Committees) Separate agencies State Owned Corporations Statutory Authorities/Bodies Subsidiaries of the NSW Government established under the Corporations Act Councils under the Local Government Act


Not Mandatory

AR Details


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